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My Educational Philosophy

Technology is highly recommended in teaching nowadays. It will not only motivate students’ interests when study, it will also improve the quality of instruction. Computer, Internet and multimedia play important roles in current education field as they increase the teaching efficiency, education diversification and more. For example, the PPT is used broadly to provide a visual support to conduct teaching all over the world. It saves time when explaining knowledge to students. When teaching different ages, different technology will be applied when teaching. The other common used software, like word and excel, is widely used to transfer information through files. More and more people encourage bringing electronic version of documents and textbooks to decrease the weight to bring and protect the environment and these acts make us search the information we need more efficiently.

It can be traced back to first decade of the twentieth century. Early definitions of the field of instructional technology focused on instructional media - the physical means via which instruction is presented to learners (Robert & John).

The increasing demand use of visual materials, such as films, pictures and lantern slides, and in the following decades, with the use of sound recordings and radio broadcasting promote the development of instructional design and technology.

Instructional design and technology is the process of obtaining resources and reorganized them into a more effective instruction using technology not limited to internet, computer, software and so on.

Early Definitions: Instructional Technology Viewed As Media.

1960s and 1970s: Instructional Technology Viewed as a Process

Finn (1960) indicated that instructional technology should be viewed as a way of looking at instructional problems and examining fea- sible solutions to those problems. And Lumsdaine (1964) indicated that educational technology could be thought of as the application of science to instructional practices (Robert & John).

The 1963 Definition

The 1994 (AECT) Definition: Beyond Viewing Instructional Technology as a Process

Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning. 

My IT Definition

IT Definition

Rather than focusing on media, the definition focused on “the design and use of messages which control the learning process.

The 1970 Definitions

The 1977 definition: Educational technology is a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organiza- tion, for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human learning.

Instructional technology wear viewed as “instructional media”, “visual instruction” or “visual education”, etc. Films, sound, radio and many other visual tools are used in education. Edward Thorndike is famous in psychology for his work on learning theory that leads to the development of operant conditioning within behaviorism. He defined instructional goals, educational measurement (Baek, 2015).

Instructional Television increased because of the 1952 decision by the Federal Communications Commission to set aside 242 television channels for educational purposes and the funding provided by the Ford Foundation. Skinner’s reinforcement theory and Bloom’s Taxonomy: The Three Domains of Learning are important.

Pre 20's

Roaring 20’s

IT absorbed technology such as radio broadcasting, sound recordings, and sound motion pictures continuously. It evolved educational objectives, task analysis, individualized instruction, mastery learning.

The 1963 Definition

Challenging 40’s

Due to the WWII, audiovisual developed in Army training quickly.

My IT Moving Along 50’s

IT History

Three outstanding educators

Bobbit: wrote The Curriculum in 1918. "Educate the individual according to his capabilities” (Bobbitt, 1912, p. 269).

Washburne: 1. innovations in school programs known as the Winnetka Plan. 2. promoted early childhood education, created middle schools, and instituted guidance programs in elementary schools. 3. president of the Progressive Education Association (1939–43) and of the New Education Fellowship (1949–56).

Parkhurst: opened the Dalton School, "education on the Dalton Plan," and featured House, Laboratory, and Assignment, designed to individualize instruction and, concurrently, create community.

IT developed slowly because of the Great Depression. During this period, three national professional organizations merged to the DVI (now name AECT).

Ralph W. Tyler transformed the idea of measurement into a grander concept that he called evaluation.

Booming 60’s

Education focused more on behaviorism learning. Robert Gagne’s 9 Events, Robert Glaser’s found of Instructional Systems increase the growth of instructional technology in a large scale.

Matured 70’s

This decade marked a shift in the educational paradigm from behaviorism to cognitivism, asserting that instruction should not only change behaviors but improve the interaction between instructional methods and mental processes, and a consolidation and proliferation of instructional design (ID) models, such as ADDIE model, Dick & Carey’s model and so on (The Dept. of HPT).

Digital 80’s

The most significant development in IT is that computers became used in education. John Keller developed the ARCS model.

Cyber 90’s and 21t century

IT develops in other fields too. The Internet was used in education for online instruction, e.g. e-learning. Technology developed significantly during this period, which influences the IT field a lot.

Learning Theories

Behaviorism focuses on changes in observable behavior to indicate learning has occurred. Behaviorism proposes that learning requires an observable response that is followed by a consequence.

Constructivism focuses on construction of internal representations of knowledge by the learner in order to make sense of external events. Constructivism proposes that learning results when a person explores the environment and attempts to make sense of external events by constructing knowledge structures.

Cognitivism proposes that learning occurs when a person processes external information in a manner that results in modification of representations in the learner’s long-term memory. Cognitivism focuses on processing of stimuli by the learner.

IT Trends

The current development of IT merges more technology. The most significant one is the use of Internet, computer and softwares. E-learning and distance learning based on these technologies develops quickly. Additionally, new educational mobile phone Apps are developed in many fields such as language learning Apps. With the development of technology, the innovational IT will develop to a higher level to improve the students' learning and to make instructors assist in a more effective and efficient way. 


ETEC 500 introduces the history and the foundation of instructional technology. I wan to learn more about the electronic media and the basic skills for designing the distance learning classes. Up to now, the most useful skills I learned from this class is to crease and design the e portfolio that will record my study and make me reflect on what I have learned from this course. I like learning multimedia too. Taking full advantage of the current technology in instruction is a efficient way to tech and sometimes, it will dismiss the distance around the world.


Robert A. Reiser, John V. Dempsey. (2012). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. Boston:           Pearson.

Baek, E (2015). History of Instructional Technology. Retrieved from

Instructional Technology Events in the Development of HPT. Retreved from

Baek, E (2015). Learning Theories and Technology. Retrieved from


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